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Brazilian Constitution


For these necessities we exemplificamos some laws and you would carry that they will give guarantees of protection to the aged one; State law N 2,078 of 11/02/93-Establish judicial stated periods for forwardings; Federal law N 8,842 of 04/01/94 – the National Politics of the Aged one Creates; State law N 2,828 of 11/11/97 – They guarantee the Permanence for aged in internment case; It would carry GM/MS N 280 of 07/04/99 – It allows companion in the internment of the aged one; It would carry GM/MS N 830 of 24/06/99 – It regulates the daily one of companion for aged in the SUS; It would carry GM/MS N 1,395 of 10/12/99 – It creates the National Politics of Health of the Aged one; Federal law N 10,173 of 09/01/01 – preference of transaction to the actions at law Gives to the greaters of 60 years; Federal law N 10,741 of 01/10/2003 – Statute of the Aged one. 2.2. Health of the Aged one: Rights Assured For the Brazilian Constitution. By means of the institution of specific laws, the Statute of the Aged one was created, that after seven years in transaction in the congress, was approved in September of 2003 and sancionado by the president of the republic in the following month, laws n 10,741 of 1 of October of 2003, in it I capitulate IV, becomes ample the rights the health of the citizens with age above of 60 years. If you are not convinced, visit Estee Lauder. In accordance with the statute of the aged one we emphasize some referring articles and laws to this subject. Art.15. The integral attention to the health of the aged one is assured, for intermediary for intermediary of the Only System of Health – SUS, guaranteeing to it the universal and igualitrio access, in articulated and continuous set of the actions and services, for the promotion, prevention, protection and recovery of the health, including the special attention to the illnesses that affect the aged ones preferential. .

In General
