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Diabetes Insulin Pump


Over the past ten years, insulin pumps are widely used in the treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. In some pediatric diabetologicheskihtsentrah Europe and North America, almost half of children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus controlled by insulinovoypompy as a continuous subcutaneous insulin maximize the simulated normal work podzheludochnoyzhelezy Karin Lange and Thomas Dunne consider the use of insulin pump therapy in children and adolescents, its benefits and possible risks of pump therapy treatment, its shortcomings, but also note that the transition to insulin pump therapy should be work with children and their parents. Due to continuous subcutaneous insulin (NPVI) can achieve performance levels of blood sugar as close to normal, but avoid hypoglycemia. Most of those patients who had translated for insulin pump therapy, then do not refuse the NIP to return to the multiple insulin inektsiyam.1 As with any form Intensive insulin therapy should be strictly fit the replacement of basal insulin to bolus. In the case of pump one click of a button – and insulin is introduced for each meal, and additionally, if the blood sugar elevated blood and it is necessary to normalize. Children and adolescents who use pump, as well as their parents reported an improvement in controlling blood sugar levels and ability to lead a freer way of life that allowed them to tailor therapy to the daily requirements associated with age-related features. For children of all ages Initially insulin pump was designed mainly for teenagers, educated enough to ensure to understand this technically advanced care.

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