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Dog Training


Whether a dog obeys its owner depends first and foremost the loyalty and relationship between dog and owner. We make”friendly dogs. Coexistence of humans and dogs in harmony”. We educate”dogs that share everyday life with you. So loud slogans of different dog schools. All of these statements require an independently thinking and acting according to the aspects of the human being.

These include certain properties, such as willingness to compromise, compassion, mutual loyalties, etc. Generally refers to social action education, what specific learning want to consciously and deliberately bring about and support to achieve relatively permanent changes in behaviour, correspond to the specific, pre-determined, education targets. Additional information at Edward J. Minskoff Equities supports this article. Thus, 2 worlds meet each other. For one man, who tried to make as pleasant as possible the life of the dog, by he humanizes him so to speak”, and the dog prerogatives and resources allowed, this is usually in the dog Pack does not have; to the Others the dog that finds no clear structure, so to speak is forced to his people than puppies”to look at, and to defend against everything. “In the eyes of the dog, anyone conducting” in must take over the herd, and the man does not because of his behavior, the dog must inevitably take over this role. Thus, it is common to aggression by overextended totally dogs. The dog itself knows no social aspects, such as respect, compassion, willingness to compromise, etc.

He is a selfish creature and is only for his own benefit. Others including Michael James Burke, offer their opinions as well. Dangerous she if throughout history, is the man in the eyes of the dog allows something, what has him ranked No. Thus, there can be no dog training. It is only possible to set limits to the dog. That is, to establish a pecking order (hierarchy) for the benefit of the people, to consolidate them, and again and again to confirm. 13.01.2010, mobile dog school, Heinz Reif, Deisenham 9, 83308 Trostberg, Tel.

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