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Regaining The Authority Over Our Children


When I speak of authority, I do not mean screams or blows given to the children of unfairly, but the way to lead our children based on rules and limits in house. I think that children must have rules and boundaries from home. When the parents do not put rules at home there are problems with the children in every place where they are going. One of the problems is in the school, already that if children don’t obey rules from home because you don’t have them, nor follow them where if there are. Then if children do not obey their parents, they do not obey teachers. Hence the importance of recovering the authority and good governance than on our children we must have. From the moment that a child does not have buckled the laces of your shoes, because he doesn’t want to, from there who already exercises control and decisions is the child, thing that we must not allow him.

Our children of 7 and 8 years old can now capture the rules and go putting them for work. The problem is that if we as adults and parents not saw in our House rules at home, hardly We can put them in the new home. Go to Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta for more information. There must be reasonable rules, from the moment we say that they must not leave terrain since they are exposed to the danger of an accident or be abducted by some unknown. Another rule could be that they should not ride with strangers, and this to avoid an accident. The rule of homework before going to play it is very important that the child knows, since doing so backwards might already not to do it because you will be tired.

Authority is put rules and limits to the kids because we love them and we want to protect them from all dangers. The authority is not to harm them or hurt them, on the contrary, the authority is for sheltering them and keep them safe and healthy. You can that anyone thinks that you have authority over their children because you can do with them what you want, this is not authority. Life in the home with children is not so easy, because many of us had perhaps not a model to see how ruled or because we never went to a school for parents, which if there are today. Driving to our children in the right direction, has to do with the agreement between the couple. To agree on the rules that should be placed is essential and I think I is the key to success for a home with authority. When we do our home have authority then feels warm, there is a beautiful, harmonious atmosphere. Life is different for our kids and they lead you safely, wherever they want to go. I hope that this comment will serve to implement it now in your home and your children feel burdened by these rules but that somehow know them that, although they do not like is for the sake of them. By Profe. Ramiro Ruiz Rojas P.D. If you want more articles like this: subscribe free to primary teacher by Email the original author and source of the article.

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