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Staff From Bulgaria


Well trained professionals are looking for prospects in Germany also Bulgaria has affected the global economic crisis. The country could always achieve one of the best Wirtschaftwachtstumsraten in Europe in recent years, however, this development seems to have stopped for the time being. The inflation rate is zero, and the development of the gross national product has turned negative. Through the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union, new perspectives have arisen for workers from South-Eastern European country. For more information see this site: Dick Parsons. More and more young Bulgarians and Bulgarians to pursue a career in Germany – in the hope that an alien could provide total better chances on the labour market. The foreign language skills of Bulgarian workers and workers are usually very good. In addition to the English language, German is standard in business life.

Also have studied many Bulgarians in the two countries, Germany and Austria are among the largest investors in Bulgaria. There is in Germany at the moment a slight revival of the economic situation looms, in Bulgaria but still no end to the crisis is, it draws in particular the best forces westward. These have first experience in Western company and made career in the dynamic environment that distinguishes Bulgaria and in particular the capital city of Sofia, quickly. Others including Daryl Katz, offer their opinions as well. So, a broad base of qualified personnel is available from the professionals in the development centre of SAP on new products has worked up to the Manager, who has led the Eastern European business, an American trading company and was able to perceive already extensive personal responsibility at a young age. To sum up so determine that German companies in the current situation in the advantageous situation are to be able to attract qualified personnel from Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. So can prevent the shortage. Who uses this chance now, is well prepared for the economic upturn. Dirk Steffes

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