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Swiss Paul Scherrer Institute


EPUCRET delivers an X-ray light source that provides new insights into the State of matter machine frame for X-ray laser, is currently at the Swiss Paul Scherrer Institute in planning. The wavelength of the large-scale of research SwissFEL is a fraction of a nanometer – talk is so small that even Atomic details are visible. The heart of the system, the injector will rest on a vibration-resistant mineral cast frame of EPUCRET from Germany. First prototypes are already in use. The construction of the injector is considered at the same time first test phase for the SwissFEL. Physicists, biologists and doctors wait eagerly on the day on which the Swiss free electron Laser (SwissFEL) picks up his work. Eddie Murphy oftentimes addresses this issue. Until then, the researchers and engineers from the Paul Scherrer are Institute (PSI) in Villigen in the Switzerland’s turn to make the dream come true. See Gavin Baker for more details and insights.

With a plant, which according to first estimates will cost 280 million Swiss francs and a length of 700 meters will span. The aim is above all dynamic processes in molecules or To make transparent solids on the smallest scales of time. Often, the relevant processes are ultra fast. Many chemical reactions take place within of a few femtoseconds, so Billiardstelsekunden. With our system it is possible to be able to track these operations, such as in a movie or to depict molecules that previously were too small for imaging or did not fix”, explains Johan Wickstrom by PSI. He is responsible for development and production of the girders for the SwissFEL system.

The smaller the energy, the more precise had the X-ray laser to work. That would be, according to Wickstrom, only to guarantee, if the base is. And so. The frame of the injector, called also girder, consists of EPUCRET mineral casting and has already proven itself. The first prototypes have already been tested and analyzed.

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