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United States


With stick surf, you have mobile Internet everywhere. Business travelers who often depend on the mobile Internet are aware of the problem. Mobile Internet is still not so popular as in other countries. In the United States there will be free soon a nationwide Wi-Fi (wireless local area network) for the residents. We are still miles away from such a solution in Germany. Many cities offer Wi-Fi for free, however this is limited generally in the town center and only to a few meters.

Another disadvantage is the relatively low speed due to the weak power of such Wi-Fi network. Within a building, it is no problem to a Wi-Fi network to share, in free space, but this can be a problem. External influences can be disturbing the existing Wi-Fi network. Furthermore, the distance to be bridged is greater than in the tenement house, where possibly the 1st floor and the 4th floor of a Wi-Fi sharing network. Even with this constellation it already could cause problems with the Get the receipt. /a>. Who but also on the road depends on the mobile Internet, should become familiar with the topic of UMTS. Each mobile service provider offers mobile Internet to surf its customers the possibility with a surf stick. Of course, this form of mobile Internet without the Surfstick is possible.

It is then resorted to your own cell phone. Assuming your own mobile phone supports UMTS. Usually can be assumed however, because newly produced phone UMTS standard have on board. If you have no phone with UMTS, just the mobile phone operators ask whether there is a chance of a contract extension. Torsten Heinsius

In General
