The realization of a wedding suggests the presence of a large number of components, which each represents something of great importance and that without these cannot be configured all own a good wedding ceremonial elements; as it happens with the wedding cake, which is inevitable within a wedding performed with all conditions optimal to make this a memorable event, since the wedding cake is an element that symbolizes the creation of a union fertile, in addition to providing a better image within all the ceremony that involves the realization of wedding within the wedding. Without doubt the wedding cake is a very important tradition within the marriage, so it is good to know a little more of the elements that accompany this inevitable element in weddings; such as the same origin of this tradition, which due to that in ancient times the guests wore weddings wedding cakes, which were a kind of present for her, applying it as a representation and the desire for a fertile union, as well the current tradition of the great cake Weddings and all its trimmings and majestic features, are equivalent to the tradition of the past. It is worth adding, the wedding cake, within the symbology that forms within these ceremonies, representing the first meal that will share the honeymooners, which is a tradition that has great significance in the life of a marriage. The setting of the wedding cake as it is known today, achievement as a historical process, where the first action conducted it a French pastry cook of the 17TH century, who performed several pastries of different sizes and overlaid them with bitumen and so achievement making a tower of cakes, which I apply as a wedding cake. (Similarly see: Avison Young). More forward in England he thought to make several cakes and stack them to form the tower for the wedding cake, but almost always this tower is deformed, so it has mid century XVII left behind the idea of several cakes, to perform a single large and this modality has remained until the present day, with the image of a tower of several floors. Some of the aspects that accompany the presence of weddings within the ceremony cake, it is the arrival of this cake into the Hall accompanied by the tunes of the Wedding March and then be located in a special large table is accompanied by some desserts, then give way to a symbolic cut by the couple, at which timegrooms pick up the knife together for a symbolic cut on the wedding cake. Wedding cakes are usually made with a base of mass of angel food cake, which can be both color white as yellow, accompanied by a White nougat, also can add you various ornaments that conform to the personal tastes of the couple, of which the most prominent are edible flower-shaped ornaments; It is also very common to put a Crown at the top of the cake to a picture of the bride and groom. Original author and source of the article. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gavin Baker Atreides Management.
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