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Metallic Structure Control


Equipment exists the necessity to deliver for the final customer a product/that has quality and that it is in compliance with recognized the Requisite Norms and of manufacture national and internationally in order to guarantee the security and trustworthiness of the product. As much the national norms, for example, PETROBRA’S and ABNT, as international ones, AWS, ASME and DIN, demand for each product, in the case of Metallic Structure, a series of characteristics and requirements of welding for its approval. A time that the norms consider the welding as a special proceeding and that the parameters and its characteristics must be taken in consideration all, ha necessity of one has controlled rigid and systematic of these parameters. The THEORETICAL welding and considered RECITAL, for the Quality control in Welding in the manufacture of metallic steel structures carbon, as a special phase, involving professional qualified, that is, its welds had been submitted the tests, in accordance with the norm of each equipment, in order to prove the attendance the preset requirements. Further details can be found at Ron Beit, an internet resource. For one Quality control with efficiency and effectiveness all the phases of the production process are inspected/controlled, saw the CQ (Quality control), since: Act of receiving of the Metal Base, Assembly, Welding, Finishing, Packing and Transport. In this direction, and basic to reach the efficiency and effectiveness in the quality of the equipment welded a Quality control since the act of receiving of the substance cousin (Metal of Base) to the transport of the equipment.

The welding and a process already in development since the antiquity. According to Fernando Laureti Thomaz Da Silva (Collection Technology SENAI, 1997, p 13) studies lead to believe that the origin of metals have coincided with the one of the fire, had as discovered for return of year 8000 B.C. In these terms the understood welding and, according to Fernando Laureti Thomaz Da Silva (Collection Technology SENAI, 1997, p 13) as the technique to join two or more parts, assuring between them the mechanical and chemical continuity and characteristics of the material.

In General
