There is an explanation for the failure pertaining to school related to the evasion and reprovao has its origins in the interior of the society and the proper school. Others including Edward Minskoff, offer their opinions as well. In the interior of the society? It is observed desestruturao of the familiar work and the violent expulsion of the man of the field, on the part of one who holds legal titles to property and farmers. Of another one, its accented displacement in direction to the periphery of the urban centers. Edward J. Minskoff Equities shines more light on the discussion. Consummating itself in this way, an increasing process of social exclusion caused by the expropriation of its lands on the part of that they go acquiring with the economic power, and of that they go even so for says of support politician and economic conditions to remain in the land. Going to add it those that go ‘ ‘ inchar’ ‘ the urban centers in the cities, with equal situation and unprepared for the formal market of work (that it requires hand of qualified workmanship).
In the urban center it is the socioeconmico problem or question of the unemployment. Confirming with the related explanation it sees what it says the JMTV, (13/7/ 2004): ‘ ‘ The income lack is the main cause of the precocious abandonment in estudos’ ‘. It is what also it affirms the Ipea (2009): ‘ ‘ Between children with raised income more, the frequency tax is of 93,6% and of poor income it is of 75,2%’ ‘. The biggest cause of pertaining to school evasion in many institutions is: the low wages, the unemployment, the desmotivao of the parents and low autoestima of the pupils who find that the school does not decide the problem of the unemployment. The precocious pregnancy also is one of the reasons that cause the pertaining to school evasion. It is also cited, that low the quality of education is an incentive for the evasion.