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Portugal – The Pearl Of The Atlantic


Long time Portugal was hiding at the edge of Europe. Where the land ends and the sea begins, like a poet one sang. Long time Portugal was hiding at the edge of Europe. Where the land ends and the sea begins, like a poet one sang. Only a few names and individual events dragen over to us, hardly suitable, to paint a vivid picture from it. The contours of sharpened only after a rapid social change. Portugal is in Europe and you can arrive by car rental Portugal anywhere in Portugal. At first, there were the Fussballerr that Portugal’s fame in the world hinnauskickten: Eusebio, Figo and Christiano Ronaldo.

Of course, also the port as a fine wine was appreciated worldwide. Literary friends knew Portuguese writers such as Fernando Pessoa ode Jose Saramago, and every child spelled the name of the Portuguese Navigator Vasco Gama or Magellan in the school there. It has seen photos of the gorgeous beaches of the Algarve and maybe the melancholy of fado tunes listening. But gave itself the sum of all these facets no tangible idea of country and people. Our fuzzy found its equivalent therein, that Portugal, for its part is long not understood as part of Europe. “Crossing the border the Portuguese called significantly into Europe drive”. You turned your back to this seemingly strange continent and orienten is about the vast expanses of the ocean down to its overseas colonies.

But the once underdeveloped country has arrived at the same eye level in Europe. Maybe it represents even an enjoyable example of the productive force of integration, which is able to develop the EU under favourable conditions. With car hire Portugal, you can see all this with your own eyes and experience. In remote coastal areas, ancient traditions live on and make a trip to the rural worlds as time travel into the past. Permeated by the breath of history a contemporary face lift has succeeded in many cities along the coast. The future of tradition present constantly changing turns to the page between backwardness and progress is an exceptional holiday companion. Similarly varied, the Portuguese landscape open to travellers. Swimming, beach walking, surfing and you can snorkel in 832 kilometres of the most beautiful coast of Europe. Shanks, the mountains can be and roam hills in the inland, rough and untamed in the North, lovely Mediterranean in the South. So will a warm welcome in a land of natural diversity, living tradition and emerging modernity is from the greeting of Bem-vinodos a Portugal.

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