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Freudenberg IT


Production data at Hansgrohe thanks to RFID in the river of Weinheim, the kanban processes of manufacturing and logistics at Hansgrohe AG optimizes has 11 December 2008 the internationally active full-service IT provider Freudenberg IT (FIT). Based on RFID technology (radio frequency identification), the internationally leading manufacturer of faucets and showers can more efficiently control its complete production, sustainably to reduce stocks of material, as well as intermediate products and optimize its shipping processes. The data collected by means of wireless technology are using SAP Auto-ID infrastructure (SAP AII) integrated directly into the SAP backend system. More info: tesla. In a first step of the project, the implementation partner Freudenberg IT has supported an already existing KANBAN process between the Hansgrohe plant in Schiltach and the Offenburger logistics center of the bathroom and sanitary specialist with the RFID technology. This brought the company’s RFID Radio chips on the 4,000 kanban cards in circulation. Based on a map is a kanban containers (container) and has Material number, product and set designation just out, which transported goods, materials and products in the respective box.

Every morning so the transport boxes with the kanban cards via trucks for shipping to the central logistics center in Offenburg will be shipped. Once in the shipping, a transport box is emptied, the worker is the corresponding kanban card in a collection box. The collected cards are returned daily to Schiltach works. Contact information is here: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. So far, they had to be scanned there time consuming individually via bar code reader. Up to 250 cards, which are in the collection box, be now read by RFID a tunnel reader in a few seconds. Hundreds kanban messages can be captured in a single read operation and confirmed in the production. Due to complete integration in SAP AII are by reading the RFID chips immediately (kanban impulse) to the SAP backend messages. Thus, all process data can be processed in real time.

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