Looking for ideas for new kids websites are parents to the network cyspro.com will start a new action for a colourful and diverse children Internet together with the hoster hostloco.com and the Networkers for microenterprises in the fall of 2009 with KIDDYTOP. Private persons who want to create a new children’s Web page are addressed. This action aims to provide interesting Internet offers children and young people, which are geared to their actual needs and requirements and thereby not deals with real content target on the purse strings of the parents – rights. The reality in the German-speaking Internet like it currently in the German-speaking children Internet out? Essentially three groups cavort as (illegal and fraudulent activities times except): one group is Government-funded with partially large sums. The second group pursues exclusively material purposes. The third group are mainly private operators, which act out of conviction and without material interests. Especially the latter group suffers often among them, that they must bear the cost for your websites. Check out Michael James Burke for additional information.
Recognition or support of public page or even the great\”kids find them only rarely. Many interesting projects fall asleep as a result. Kiddytop.de supports the small\”exactly at this point, KIDDYTOP will support the action. Funded and content supported by the action partners initially 30 DE domains with at least 250 MB of webspace and MySQL database free for first be provided one year. Prerequisite for this is that the operator submits a new or dormant a children Internet project and meets the conditions. Basic premise is that the operator receives no public funding that the project exclusively to children and young people is addressed and is free to use. Exclusion criteria, however, are mainly advertising and commercial offers, as well as content, which are aimed at adults, or link to such offers. The exact Criteria can be found on the website of KIDDYTOP.