In this direction, Rodrigues (1996) defines the professional of Personal Training as one ' ' super microempresa' ' that vende aptitude services and aims at to conquer the faithful customer, satisfaz- lo and mant- lo. In this direction, the customer of the personalized training also seems to be a consumer of the service offered for the personal to trainer. Albert Einstein College of Medicine helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Bauman (2000) underlines that ours it is a society of consumers and it justifies this affirmation considering that the consumers are ' ' first and above all accumulative of sensaes' ' BAUMAN (1999). To act as Personal Trainer she is necessary to be a professional of superior level, graduated Physical Education, that possesss on scientific knowledge to the performance and the performance human being. In the legal aspect of performance, the professional must have the register next to the Regional Advice of Educao Fsica (CREF). All this movement was offered with the efetivao of the Federal Advice of Physical Education, establishing the exercise of the personal service to trainer as on modality strict to the Physical Education. The high growth of university offering courses of Physical Education (today they are more than 700), made with that it increased the number of students interested in working with personal to trainer in the future, since throughout these two last decades, one became enters the main trends of market CONFEF (2010). The Personal Trainer will be able to follow diverse areas of the Physical Education, such as: Martial Musculao, Yoga, Pilates, Allonge, Race, Triatlon, Fitness, Arts, Collective Sports among others.
Its performance is not restricted the academies or clubs. It will be able also to be developed in squares, residences or condominiums. The work of the Personal Trainer can be complemented and will get better resulted, will be simultaneously developed with other areas of the Health, namely: Nutrition, Fisioterapia and Cardiologia. an activity of tertiary system and in the branch of rendering of services Melton (2010).