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Education Cubana


Introduction: Education Cubana, has focused his interest in scientific training, in the technique more avezada not utilitarian, without losing sight, rather than focusing on them, the formation of a man who responds to his era and the more legitimate interests of his country, that is willing to transcendence, which is also inherent to human nature and humanistic purposes. From late 18th century and early 19th century, teaching in the Seminary of San Carlos and San Ambrosio, (1773), and Cuban private centers, focused on teaching to think. The cognitive sphere was of great interest and progress in teaching compared with the prevailing rote method. Felix Varela Morales (1788-1853), initially sentenced: be-vicious when be-ignorant man. Most righteously passionate will be when more precise thinker. Son of a Spanish soldier, at age six Varela moved with his family to Florida, which by then was under Spanish domination. There he attended the primary school. In 1801 he returned to Havana, where, the following year, entered the Seminary of San Carlos and San Ambrosio.

In 1806 he obtained the degree of Bachelor in theology and took the habits. He received the sub diaconato in 1809 and the diaconato in 1810. That same year he graduated of Bachelor of theology. In 1811 he made opposition to the Chair of Latinity and rhetoric and philosophy in the Seminary of San Carlos. He obtained this after hotly contested and brilliant exercises and could play thanks to a dispensation granted by the Espada Bishop age.

Also in 1811 he was ordained priest. Since then and until 1816 he displayed intensively as a preacher. Despite the fact that, according to testimony of Jose de la Luz and Knight, dominated the latin as their language, renewed the teaching of the era using the Spanish in their classes and books, in which left the prevailing Scholasticism by eclectic philosophy and introduced the experiment in the study of science.

In General
