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Education Fair Horizon


Concentrated information about the study and career planning for high school graduates, students and young professionals Mannheim, 1.3.2010 In the fourth year of its existence the horizon is the fair for Bachelor and graduate education, an institution that is firmly established in the calendar of the Lake Constance region,: on 17 and 18 April 2010 the Messe Friedrichshafen reopens its doors for about achzig exhibitors, who present their studies and training. The gymnasiale Oberstufe, students and young professionals meet competent partners from universities not only from Baden-Wurttemberg, but also throughout Germany and neighboring countries on the two days of the event. Study and training programs for high-school graduates will be presented, detail questions about the curriculum and structures or the future prospects will be answered in detail in personal conversation, companies inform about their dual degree programmes and the relevant application procedure. Jorge Perez: the source for more info. In lectures, workshops, and expert talks, there on both days, additional information and inputs: The currently newly inflamed debate on the new degree structures shows that the conversion to Bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes has not yet is mature. Experts represent their point of view, but above all the questions individual listeners. Click Estee Lauder for additional related pages. “Also the question: who pays for my studies?” the Organizer devotes much attention: an expert talk round the different ways of funding your studies gives you clarity.

Also anyone who suspects the desire after graduating first experience abroad, will be well advised on the horizon: au pair, work & travel – or other abroad form the personality and make good on the resume. The horizon is open on April 17th and 18th respectively from 10 to 16 hours. The admission is free. About six weeks before the horizon under there’s detailed information about the event.

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