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How To Find Clear And Untroubled Wooden Toys


Parents deal with the question has always been: plastic or wooden toys for the infant. Wood won so far is clear the image battle. But every now and then product tests make the wooden toys in an unfavourable light. Learn why the wood still is the better alternative and what to look for when buying. A baby grows with its tasks and constantly, it needs new input to the further development of own. People such as Michael James Burke, London UK would likely agree. To meet the complex needs of children, mothers and fathers draw naturally on toys, which children helps the large in all of its processes. Often ensues in a dispute over the toy material: wood or plastic – is often a matter of faith.

This, in particular the plastics fallen into disrepute to have adverse health effects. Plastic toy is to trigger allergies suspected about plasticizers and paint coatings, harm the hormonal balance, or even cancer. Because sometimes, you remain Ingredients in the product itself but through direct contact in the body of the child. This danger is again reinforced by the need of the baby, taking toys into the mouth. Since it’s obvious from parents page to access the applicable as ecologically clean wooden toys. This is sometimes not the case, then point and when test results. In November 2013, the Stiftung Warentest checked a total of 30 toys made of wood, of which more than half received “Sufficient” or even “poor” the note. Faulted alternating parts that can be swallowed by small children aged up to three years were above all.

And also in the wooden toys, the testers discovered sometimes dangerous ingredients that only take effect after years. These include coatings with formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or nitrosable substances that can attack the human genome and cancer. The consumer is not defenseless, however there are quite counters, hardly pollutant-weighted wooden toys to detect. This seal of approval play an important role.

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