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Japan People


The Personensuchmaschine Yasni is continuing on course for success: seven-digit raw profit and break-even month 17 million unique users the balance sheet includes 2010 Frankfurt, 06 April 2011: startups from Germany is accused of being unimaginative copies of successful Web services from the United States. Consequently, only a few Internet companies have international relevance. Half of users from abroad comes however at first as the world’s only real search engine experts to key words such as ability or city. Source: Arthur F. Burns. 100 has similar goals. Outside of Germany the use could be tenfold right in 2010. Noteworthy is the high percentage of users from the United States, Canada or Australia, but also from India, France and Japan.

The recently-launched domains for France (www.yasni.fr), Spain (www.yasni.es) and Italy (www.yasni.it) secure the growth in 2011 and meet the high international demand for real people search. Steffen Ruhl, Managing Director of first: I am glad that we despite high expenses for our growth and development additional languages and country domains last year not only as in the previous years the turnover doubled, but first in gross operating profit reached the break-even for a full year.” Everyone can find free Internet far right experts to key words such as company, profession, location, and all the background information to people about first names with the first search engine. Service providers can combine their information and skills with a free Expose and actively present in the search results. Yasni is management with 50 million queries a month the most popular starting point for people search and reputation. Contact: Florian Schutz Manager social media & PR yasni GmbH of Lyon str. 14 60528 Frankfurt phone: 0177 2382665 Web: mail:.

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