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New Generations Culture


As the culture is seen by the new generations Patrician Juliana Bortolini Culture is defined as everything what human being is produced from intelligence. The culture is present since the primitive peoples in its customs, laws, religion, in its arts, moral sciences, beliefs, myths, values. Through the culture in them we adaptamos to the existence conditions thus transforming our reality. The generations oldest passed its to know, its beliefs, its customs, its habits for the next generations, that is, it was not left to die the culture of the people, and the group where he was inserted in the society. Being thus, Young chicken (1986, p.06) defines the culture as one ' ' complex set that includes knowledge, beliefs, moral art, laws, customs and any capacities and habits acquired for the man as member of sociedade' '. The man possesss the capacity to create, and to produce to live in society, believing that to live in group he must have rules, laws, customs among others already cited previously. Therefore in the culture where one determined group is inserted it must have this cultural set. Any that is the culture always is in permanent change, to the last being of generation for generation is very left to die of this culture, is most of the time not passed ' ' risca' ' these customs, beliefs, to know.

We cite as example, artistic knowing that old he was had as one endows, the girl who knew or inherited of the mother ' ' saber' ' to manufacture and to produce artesanatos, culinria and clothes of the group where she was living, so that thus she could always pass to its next generations leading its alive culture. Each culture must respect the cultural set of the too much cultures, being a way of particular life of each people. Lull (1995.p.92) standes out that: Culture you are one dynamic compleja y ecology of personas, sew, cosmovisiones, escenarios activities y There that basically remain estable, pero that tambin vain woollen cambianedo in virtud comunicacon of rutina interaccon there social y.

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