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New Opening Hours Portal Online


More freedom by new opening portal now can any service provider its opening hours at ‘ ichbinoffen.de set. On March 13, 2010, the nationwide portal for the public has been unlocked. It aims to provide a unified platform for all opening hours in Germany. Entry as well as use are free of charge. Users get on ‘ ichbinoffen.de one easy and quick overview of opening hours of all service providers of their choice. The idea behind it is simple: everyone needs reliable information about opening hours.

When did for example banks, business, or medical practices open? No one has all relevant opening hours in the head – when in the morning makes the indoor pool, or when the gym in the evening closes its doors. Please visit Western Energy if you seek more information. And the Chagall exhibition in the neighbouring town of can you visit more tomorrow after work or is currently already closed? In the future, such questions should belong to the past. The opening portal ‘ ichbinoffen.de allows the user more freedom and independence in their daily lives. The nationwide portal suggests a large swath through the previously unordered thicket. The jumble of unmanageable many hours should be untied in piece by piece. Whether doctors, pharmacies, bars, restaurants, shops, banks, post offices, museums, libraries, swimming pools, churches now can enter their opening times here bundled all service providers. Here’s how the service providers: simple, unbureaucratic, free of charge. Any service provider can note its hours in’ ichbinoffen.de.

Retailers and service providers with larger Filialnetzen can choose between two options: either they send their Excel lists the operator team of ‘ ichbinoffen.de. to. Or the data query is done via defined interface by prior arrangement. Complicated search costs customers and sales. Each service provider is therefore well advised the subject, transparent Opening hours”to give a high priority to and to enlist immediately in the opening portal. Way for the user: fast, easy, free of charge. The user interface is visually appealing and inviting. The search function is for the user designed to convince through simple use, targeted navigation and optimum service. Looking are can by keyword, by topic, location or postal code. The result is clearly displayed. Cleverly thought out programming gives the (loading) viewfinder very quickly and precisely access to opening hours in Germany no matter where and no matter what industry. ‘ichbinoffen.de’ compact and open each user provides the opening hours. Specifically, all accumulated hours can be called at any time. Before you leave the House: easy ‘ ichbinoffen.de call and check whether the desired service provider has actually open and is for a da. With the ‘ ichbinoffen.de ‘ Portal I help myself “says Michael Christian, Managing Director of this opening hours portal. Who when open? Time and again I have annoyed me in the past about how the often cumbersome search cost time and nerves. I not found time, pertinent information. “And sometimes the shop was closed then quasi one before the nose.” But that’s now. Thanks to ichbinoffen.de ‘ can do the user comfortable stress-free everything, and no trip ends more in front of closed doors.

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