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Pablo Freire Professor


To the one relating in them on ' ' process of formao' ' , we do not limit only to the professors and teachers who are in classroom, but to that they are directly on the pertaining to school organization and the form as it is will go to elaborate the educational planning in order to promote the maintenance or change of the status quo, that until then represents the desire of the ruling class. The educator who looks to a trajectory the way of the development of the sustainable society igualitria and, needs to know that to teach he is not to transfer knowledge, but to create possibilities to its production and construction, is to understand that pupil is not receiving of contents, but subject of social and historical transformation of its proper reality. The progressive professor it must know that to teach it demands respect to the autonomy and identity of educating, diminishing in the distance between professor and learning prevailing the respect I dialogue by means of it sincere and affective, and everything that is indissocivel of the epistemolgica curiosity of the educator, as well as the politics does not have to be dissociada of the education. ' ' The professor who does not take serious its formation, that does not study and that it does not strengthen yourself to be to the height of its task does not have moral force to co-ordinate activities of its classe.' ' (FREIRE, 1996) he was prezando for the coherence and the ethics that Pablo Freire describes on practical not acceptable the progressive professor who to if locating as a citizen of the democratic school, reprehends the speech of the pupil who if locates the opposite to its, that outside says does not recognize it or written of the standards of the dominant grammar, what it goes against the ethnic and cultural diversity and disrespects the reading of the world for educating, being silent.

In General
