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Paving Slabs


Completed stone roads have long been known. Already the Greeks so the Romans used for building stone. Then, already knew about many of its useful features, such as strength, durability and practicality. The first time the stone is not polished, but then it began to grind and process. Thus was born the cobbles.

In the world, the use of stone as the material has not reduced demand in itself, but transformed into a slightly different shape and proportions. In this age of high technology and scientific progress of natural stone made cheaper and less severe alternative – concrete paving stone, which is known as Pavement. Manufacturing of tiles are several well-known technologies: block-making and casting. Technological process of block-making is that the vibration solution of concrete in the mold is carried out under pressure at this vibropress. The advantages of this technology is a large proportion of automation, increased productivity and, of course, the opportunity to do paving tiles colored layers.

Paving slabs, produced by technology vibropressing demonstrates greater wear resistance, by adding a water-cement concrete with the correct balance and availability of special steaming procedure. In addition, the block-making demonstrates the chipped tile surface, which is a big plus for use in the winter. The lifetime of this material is quite large and sometimes up to 25 years. Therefore the majority of tiles for pavements produce just way vibropressing. Casting method is performed by vibrating the concrete mixture in a special form on the table with a vibrator. The method of small production and lack of automation. Flagstones, obtained in this way has several small qualitative characteristics than the first method. Such tile has a smooth surface that does not "breathe", which eventually leads to cracking during solidification of water in it. The solution was used in this method has a high ratio of water and cement, which reduces resistance to extremes of temperature tiles and overstates the cost of production. But, the truth, the purchase of equipment used for molding, rather less than the first method. Condition for quality installation and a guarantee of a long time use any of the tiles is very well-prepared foundation. Laying surface must be professionally planned, while strictly measured levels and slopes for water runoff. Depending on the operation requirements determined by the size and paving slabs. The greater the load on the surface, the greater the thickness. Typically, tile thickness from 40 – 45 mm lined by a special dry sand or mortar on a bed of gravel, withstand the weight of an ordinary car. Products larger than 45 mm withstand the weight of a laden truck. Laying paving slabs made with styling and borders. Use two types of curbs – a two-sided and, of course,

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