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Sales Online Failures


Unfortunately it is very normal for PayPal fail as payment gateway when the download of a product since many browsers enters into an infinite loop of downloading or directly not redirected to the download web when processing a payment. It is sad to have to say it, but do to many of us has happened that after making a payment through our PayPal account never redirected to the product download page correctly? Several times I pass personally. In fact the greater number of queries that receipt with regard to post sales in PayPal are just customers who bought me some product and failed to download properly, even happens to me selling my guide on PayPal (ironic ja), at the same time I must also say that many open disputes are by the same problem. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Nir Barzilai, M.D.. The truth when you send a mail to the support of PayPal not receive answer on this problem that still persists, and that is that many entrepreneurs have Internet that sell your infoproduct using this electronic payment gateway. Many unhappy customers and thinking that it is a problem of our web site (which may be partially so to not redirect to sites in http s) open us disputes or directly demanding us the execution of the guarantee of purchase. I disagree with both practices because if the problem was the product download the right thing is to send a mail to the support of that product and not to open a dispute on PayPal for a fee that is declared as not authorized sometimes.

Unfortunately seems to be a problem that not only limits us as sellers, but that creates dissatisfied customers calling us things that they go much more beyond of our work as sellers online; the only reasonable option to try to offer more options when it comes to the payment which I’ve been using some products is recommending additional options that are not PayPal, as for example, creating you discounts on the price of the product for downloads with Alertpay, he has Digital, Western Union, money Mail, or any other alternative pathway, but only for products that are that have a high conversion or products with a level of recurring customers. PayPal has flaws that style and they realize not solve them. Something remarkable and with which I have seen decreased this level of errors in the redirect after payment is that when I use some intermediate like ClickBank or Click2Sell system these problems decrease almost by 70% compared to products where I do not use intermediate payment processors or affiliate systems, although all these clear charge some Commission for his use as sellerswhich may or may not be at a disadvantage depending on the infoproducto we are selling. Has ever paid on PayPal and not receive a product passed you? And that you did in this case, reclamaste the warranty or denunciaste by opening a dispute? Do you think that this good open one dispute that problem or is it better to contact support before? Questions that the sellers try to answer every day and as buyers must educate us to act without harming the creators of infoproduct that put so much effort in generating profits from the Internet.

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