Want to make your nails shine? Apply a drop of essential oil on your nails and rub thoroughly a small piece of Suede. How else to clean your nails, besides washing hands? Cuticles daily to lubricate the nutrient composition, and the nails cleaned with Sticks by the orange tree, made her brush. Brown spots on hands, as they clarify? – Mix with warm water and 200 grams of barley flour and apply a solution at hand. – You can wet the hands of aloe, cucumber, or apply potato peel. – Make a mixture of yoghurt, lemon juice and yogurt and apply it on your hands. Edward J. Minskoff Equities helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. If the tips of your fingers dry, you can assume that in your body affected by the lack of vitamin A. This phenomenon is often common in those who restrict themselves in animal products, fats and proteins, in other words those who have decided to lose weight. In this case, the problem is guaranteed to occur.
If the power is OK and you are nothing does not restrict itself, on the face of signs of hepatitis, chronic enteritis or metabolic disorders. In this case it is better to see a doctor. If the doctor after the examination has not confirmed any violations in the metabolism, pathology of the skin and severe internal organ, it's time to add to your body of vitamins A and E, and a diet supplement of meat, liver, parsley, lettuce, peaches, tomatoes, sour products, etc. Your nails become brittle? There are folk recipes for the treatment of brittle nails. For example, prepare a nourishing cream-based wax polish. Of cooked hard-boiled eggs, yolks and mash extract it. On water bath to melt beeswax and add 4 g of egg yolk.
Gradually add the peach butter, to a thick state. Every evening the ointment on his nails. To strengthen nails, make a bath of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Or use the following composition: 25 g glycerol, 70 g water, 5 g of alum, the resulting mixture is used as a bath every day for 10-15 days. Exfoliate your nails? If so, try to pay more attention to what you eat. Include in your diet foods such as dairy products, figs, almonds, beans, whole wheat bread, dates, cabbage, and foods that are rich in beta carotene, and vitamin A, such as carrots, butter, egg yolk, pumpkin, eggs, bitter or sweet peppers. When the layer nail body lacks calcium also, it is better to take pills, but not in 'pure' form, together with vitamin D, which is rich in oil. To combat the flaking nail plate, often ipolzuyut gelatin. For this purpose 1 tsp gelatin diluted in a glass of lukewarm water and drink. The procedure is repeated 1 time per day during the month. To strengthen nails helpful Outer restorative compositions, such as olive oil, add lemon juice and dklat baths at the base of the nail.