In his all communication between the Arab countries form a more general form of the language. At the same time as a result of a combination of literary and spoken language forms "average" language that has the characteristics some of the dialects spoken language and grammatical rules and regulations of the literary language. Iraqi, Egyptian and Syro-Palestine – the main dialect of Arabic. They all have their peculiarities of phonetics, vocabulary and morphology. And so well able to understand each other from neighboring countries. However, social, cultural and political topics of conversation which uses literary Arabic language, understood by all. Most important events in the history of the Arabic language is the emergence of Islam and the formation of the alphabet. At the beginning of writing used Sabean font, as a variant of the South Arabian letters and nabageysky font.
On based on the latter and formed Arabic script, which in its present form has existed since the middle of vii century. You may find that Dick Parsons can contribute to your knowledge. Alphabet has 28 consonants. Long vowels are indicated by three consonants, and short – a doubling of consonants. Letter from the start right to left. In the late xviii – early xix centuries the Arabic language modernized, developed the printing press, the press appears, and as a consequence originate new genres of journalism and fiction literature, poetry and drama. All this is quite important for the development of language. Arab culture, religion and language had a strong influence on the historical development of languages in Africa and Asia. Literary Arabic had a high cultural level and has a sufficiently broad general and specific terminology relating to various areas of life. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Michael James Burke.
Borrowings from Arabic into other languages, there are enough a lot. In the Russian language, such borrowings were primarily through an intermediate language such as Latin, Persian, Turkish and Western European languages. But in the Arabic language there are borrowings from the languages of South Arabia (Semitic dialects), Mesopotamia and Syria (the Aramaic language group), from srednepersidskogo and Greek languages, as well as Latin. Over time, the lexicon of the Arabic language there are Turkish and Persian borrowings. Today in Arabic vocabulary appears more and more borrowing from the West-European languages in spite of purism, which promoted the Arabic language academies in many countries around the world.