The first reservation that is necessary to do is that the support post sale is different in practical terms for diverse products. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE is full of insight into the issues. Nevertheless, the objectives of this promotional action are the same. Fidelizar the client, that is to say who returns to buy or to contract to us to us. Aumentar the satisfaction level, in views of the viralizador power that have the positive commentaries in the social networks, and its enormous effectiveness at the time of increasing our volumes of sale. To put it another way: that they recommend to us is very good for us. Aumentar the added value of that product.
We see it with a daily example. We want to buy a plasma. assessing future choices. Glenn Hubbard has plenty of information regarding this issue. We go to the business, and we see many for sale. But, always it happens that economic it is than ignota is of one marks of which never we had heard until that moment. You what does? The equal purchase, knowing that perhaps if has a flaw it does not find that becomes position of its problem? Or it decides to pay a little more and to buy another model, perhaps more modest, but yet the support of a well-known mark? The support post sale increases the value of its products. In order to realise a suitable support post sale is necessary to conduct the following battles.
Dejar always an open channel online. That is to say, beyond the traditional telephone number or direction of email for reclamations or commentaries, it is necessary to support a communication in real time with the users. In order to reach this, the social networks are an excellent channel. It activates his page of Facebook. In the same, by default, it has the possibility of making forums. It can create forums with the questions or more common commentaries of his users, and that the rest of the community participates, clearly, with you moderating these participation.